spotted in the city: is that vodka in there? +WANTing those shoes

Slurp and step. Do you guys remember the Honey Deuce Grey Goose specialty drinks from a couple of years ago? Well, we do (so thirsty!) and they’re still serving up the delicious gems at the GG outposts around the ground. Too bad this just-outside-the-fence giant cup wasn’t full of vodka. We would have gladly parked there for the day and stuck to the practice courts. And: How much do we love these New Balance shoes? They’ve been done in collaboration with Polo Ralph Lauren for the officials at the Open, and though some of us at TSF are so-so on the many bright colors on site this year, we LOVE this option. What’s that? You want our sizes? Gladly…

Shop: Both the men’s and women’s shoes are available online for $99.99 on New Balance’s site.

(TSF photos)

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